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Willow Hill Executive Center
550 W. Frontage Rd., Ste. 2810
Northfield, IL 60093

Dr. Gary Hill is a lively and informative presenter and discussion facilitator. He has lead workshops on numerous topics. If you would like to schedule Dr. Hill as a guest speaker for your assoiciation, organization, business, or school, please contact him at and place the words "guest speaker" in the subject line.
Here are a few of his most popular workshops:

Can't Get No Satisfaction
Improving Personal Relationships with Children, Parents, and Spouses

What to do When they Drive You Crazy

When Children Push Your Buttons
How to Maintain Your Sanity and Still Be a Good Parent

Post 9/11 and Trauma Recovery Work
New Develpoments and Clinical Treatment of Trauma

Dr. Hill can tailor presentation and workshop topics to specific client needs
Select Your Topic:
Workshop and presentation topics can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
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